[一級固定收益] 問題1:YTM=10.4%是怎么得出來的。 問題2:下面算式分子上的8和108又是怎么得出的
[一級財報] 間接法計算,為什么note payable 應付票據不會影響
間接法計算,為什么note payable 應付票據不會影響
[三級行為金融學] 資本市場預期,reading4,part2,第8題,為什么要選2%、increase、3.3%、yes、8%?
[一級固定收益] 老師,即期收益率怎么求?
[一級固定收益] 老師這個three month MRR的意思是求那個月的息票利率都用3.31號的嗎
[一級經濟學] 老師這個滯后指標沒變,利差是個領先指標,后面不是該發(fā)生同步指標 經濟周期?為啥是下降的
[一級經濟學] 老師,這個勞動參與比率下降,勞動力下降,那失業(yè)率不是上升?根據那個公式的話
[二級權益投資] 老師這道題為什么選a誒
[二級權益投資] 老師 這道題兩句話不是很能理解 為什么都是錯誤的
[二級經濟學] 關于regulation capture和regulation competition的區(qū)別
來源:習題集-Economics-2. Sagara-Question (5) 原文:……But this rapid growth will also bring concerns regarding regulation of the manufacturing sector. The government has at times struggled to advance the regulatory structure to address problems associated with the impact of rapid growth on such problems as pollution power outages and water shortages. Banantoumou is worried that companies have learned to preemptively cooperate with their regulators with the expectation that the regulators will favor their point of view over a competitor's. 題目:(5) Banantoumou's concern regarding the regulatory structure is most likely an example of regulatory: A. arbitrage. B. capture. C. competition. 答案解析:C Banantoumou's concern is an example of regulatory capture…… 問題:這道題的答案到底是capture還是competition?(答案和解析不一致)另外想問下,capture和competition之間的區(qū)別是什么?這兩個都有給企業(yè)提供監(jiān)管利益的含義在,如何區(qū)別?